Q. Who is The HVAC Group?
A. The HVAC Group was established in 2009 with one vision in mind: To be different than all the rest. We
are representative of American small business today. We are a small business by choice. By controlling
our overhead and quality we are able to offer you a much greater value for your maintenance dollar
without you having to fund our huge egos.
It doesn't take long thumbing through the phone book or surfing the web to see that there are a plethora of
companies in business today advertising to service you, the customer. While there are no doubt some
very qualified and competent companies in the market worthy of your business there are many more that
are not!
I sought to find what was common among these companies and the element that stuck out the most was a
lack of genuine care for the customer. This was revealed to me through working in the industry and
experience through contact with the people that make up this work force. These companies run their
businesses on the vision of "Quantity over Quality" though most would never admit to that.
The HVAC Group refuses this practice. You are the #1 focus to us! Call-backs and referrals are our
greatest source of business. Thank you!
Q. What is "Quantity over Quality"?
A. So many businesses in this trade today work under the practice of doing the most calls in the smallest
amount of time using the least number of workers in order to create the largest cash inflow. While this
may, at the onset of any venture, seem to be profitable, one who has half a brain can realize the one
important element of business that will eventually get left in the dust: QUALITY WORK.
The HVAC Group has a goal to be in business for many years to come. Each and every customer is
important to the longevity and reputation of this company. We choose to practice "QUALITY OVER
QUANTITY" every time for each customer we serve.
Q. Why call The HVAC Group?
A. First and foremost, because you care about your assets and your money. It all boils down to receiving
the highest value for your dollar. Seeking a service company based solely on what they charge is a huge
mistake. Several factors must be weighed when making this decision. The HVAC system and appliances
in your home or office are likely the most expensive items installed. Would you trust your automobile to
just any company? The fact that you are reading this now attests to fact that you care about the service
that you receive. There is a difference in service providers.
Q. What does The HVAC Group offer me?
A. Although The HVAC Group is a full-service contractor, we specialize in Diagnostics. This means that
we are trained and focused on properly identifying the source of a problem. The HVAC Group exerts
attention to detail. Merely replacing a part that has failed is not enough. We dig deeper to discover the
reason why the part failed in order to prevent the same failure of the new part. This is true diagnostics.
We take the time to thoroughly explain procedures and educate you in how your equipment is designed to
The HVAC Group offers the highest value for you the customer. Give us chance to show you how we are
Q. How do I contact The HVAC Group?
319-625-0586 fax

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